Our Process

  • Dream it.

    Students, it starts with a college dream. Maybe you have always seen yourself at a college with sports or a big social scene. Maybe you want to be in a specific state. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into your career. Maybe you don’t know the details yet. Let’s reflect together so we can align a plan that makes the college planning adventure tailored to you.

    What we will do: Student Self Reflection & Preparation

    Parents, we know you want the best for your child and the college step is no exception. Let’s make this process as joyful as can be. Amazing things can happen in this process and I consider the parallel to watching the immense growth of your child within their first year of life! Trust us.

  • Customize it.

    Now that we have discovered who you are, it is time to customize your approach to college admissions by following our plan. You will meet milestone activities to ensure you are steadily preparing the most authentic college application by the fall of your senior year.

    What we will do: College Search & College List

    Are you ready?

    We are ready when you are!

  • Match it.

    As we near the end of the college planning adventure it is now time to settle in and determine the best educational institution for you! We walk alongside you so you feel confident in making that final decision and being #happilydecided.

    What we will do: Make a college decision and begin talking about the transition to college.

    Although this may feel like the end, it is our mission to ensure you transition well in your first semester of college, too!